I said baby babe i love you long time!

I'm in such a great mood! Got a text from the owner of the cafe at Degraves (where I had a trial a couple of days ago). He said they loved me! So that means I got myself a job today! Starting next week. They're gonna teach me baristastuff and he can give me as many hours as I want. He owns a restaurant as well, so I'll be working there too. Best thing ever.  I've been working as a waitress for such a long time so getting the oppurunity to learn new things and to switch working places from time to time is awesome.  He also told me they sometimes host cherity events, like this thursday night. Shame I can't attend. It's like the best oppurtunity for me to meet my new colleges and it's gonna be some celebs there as well he said. Probably lots of good music! He seems very cool so im really looking forward to this!

Sydney tomorrow tho. Wah! Got to start packing! Can't believe im going there... very spontanious decision, but random stuff like this makes me feel more alive than anything! One week ago I would never believe that I would quit Riva, get myself a new job and fly off to Sydney a few days later..

Haha still feels so bad writing in english.. but.. im learning.

One part of Degraves street.


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