Parliament, St Patricks Cathedral
So one thing about some people from Melbourne is to sound as neeegative as possible!
We went to the parliament, trying to get in but this woman at the door tells us that it's only open for public at fridays.. she also told us that we could go to the gallery, which we were interested in. But then she's like "but yeah, its just a very smaall room.. and very crowded.. you'll probably not see anything or hear anything so..." Amanda's like "oh, so youre basicly telling us it's not good or..?"
Woman says "ooooh no no no, it's not what im saying im just saying that it's very small..." Yeah righttt!
We went to the parliament, trying to get in but this woman at the door tells us that it's only open for public at fridays.. she also told us that we could go to the gallery, which we were interested in. But then she's like "but yeah, its just a very smaall room.. and very crowded.. you'll probably not see anything or hear anything so..." Amanda's like "oh, so youre basicly telling us it's not good or..?"
Woman says "ooooh no no no, it's not what im saying im just saying that it's very small..." Yeah righttt!