midsummer party!

Amanda and I

my blondie crew.. Sonch, Amanda, Maria, Jo, me

Sonja's acting like a maypole and Oscar's dancing around her.... me,tobias, robin and joshua
ready to jump in just a few seconds after...funniest thing ever..

gorgeous Maria! <3

Joshua and Sonch

A few pics from our midsummer celebration at our place last night! I made a proper midsummer buffet so everyone got to try swedish meatballs and pickeled herring among other things. We all were supposed to go to a place called La Di Da after but they refused to let us in since we had two guys with us..some places are so strict! So instead we went to CQ on queensstreet. CQ is actually massive! And it was fun, two dancefloors here as well!
Me, Sonch, Amanda and Adrian were walking over Southbank on our way back home in the middle of the night and suddenly we saw a huuuge fight going on. Like 20 people fighting, hitting eachother with beerbottles and stuff.. it was crazy and we just stood there on the side watching.. then the police came and peppersprayed the whole area and I got pepperspray in my eyes and in my mouth by accident...OH MY GOOD it hurt so bad, i was just screaming "my eyessss!!!" out loud and at the same time we were laughing so hard cause i was so miserable. The police didn't have time to help me either while i was panicing..even though it was like 20 of them..(freaking australians always to many at work and still they don't do anything...haha). Few minutes before that we all had to say goodbye to Ingo that left Australia this morning...wanted to cry my eyes out! So miserable.